Rave Reviews
"You have helped my girls grow in so many ways and gain confidence in themselves. They LOVE dance (and are already sad they have to wait SO long until it starts again) You are great at what you do. Thank you!"
Watching the recital, I knew exactly why we chose your studio and recommend it to so many!! Love how you always accept everyone into your dance classes and the girls have fun! Thanks again for all you do!!
"Thank you Shannon for being not only a great dance teacher, but being a great mentor, friend and confidant for M. She flourished under your instruction and her confidence grew unbelievably under you.
Thank you for your investment in her! "
"I wanted to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful experience for my girls this year. They seemed so proud and confident last night and I could see how much they grew this past year doing dance with you. Thank you for helping my little girls gain confidence and pride in themselves. It means so much to me! And as a side note, "C" had tears flowing down her cheeks this morning saying she was sad because dance was over She didn't want it to end! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I can't say enough about you Shannon Blackorby & DanceWorks! I love it more & more every year.
You have been such an inspiration to my daughter.
I love that the dance moves and costumes are always age appropriate. The kids all look so happy and proud of themselves.
"Shannon, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and dedication. You've helped give my "wall flower" a place to shine. I look forward every year to seeing how much she's changed and grown. She adores you and we can't wait til next year! "
You're a wonderful teacher. To take the time with so many individual classes and children derserves recognition by itself. Then you add teaching all them so many different dances. You're awesome and I feel lucky to have gotten k into your class. You're making her a stronger person. Thank you for everything you have done for my child."
"Thank you for being my dance teacher. You've not only taught me how to dance, but you've taught me about life. Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without a dance teacher like you!
My daughters have learned so much, all while having fun and feeling confident in their own skin.
"It is a great environment for girls to learn the arts and have fun without the stress of perfection!"
The focus is on dance as an enjoyable experience, rather than on competing with others for recognition or accolades.
We love the kindness and fun spirits of the teachers.